Quarter-3 Radio Listenership Data in India

Quarter-3 Radio Listenership Data in India

Red FM jumps at the top position in Delhi location.

 “Red FM and Radio Mirchi are still the popular radio stations in Delhi”- as per IRAM reports. 

IRAM, one of the popular radio audience survey firm in India, hereby announces the Q3 - 2019 radio listener statistics in India. The reports contain the listenership data from July 1, 2019 to Sept 30, 2019 that was collected through the Radio Audience Measurement system in India.

Here is a list of the Top 10 Radio Stations in India by weekly reach.

Red FM, Delhi   
1.3 Million Listeners
Radio Mirchi, Delhi      
1.2 Million Listeners
Red FM, Kolkata
1.1 Million Listeners
Radio Mirchi, Kolkata
1 Million Listeners
Big FM, Delhi
991.9 k Listeners
Red FM, Mumbai
    690.2 k Listeners
Big FM, Kolkata
652.1 k Listeners
Radio Mirchi, Mumbai
636.3 k Listeners
Big FM, Mumbai
622.5 k Listeners
Radio City, Delhi
523.1 k Listeners

To observe the total audience reach on your radio station, please visit https://www.iramradio.com/quarterly-figures.

IRAM keeps a track on the weekly data of all radio stations in India and has a perfect physical system to find out how many listeners a radio station has. Thus, you can easily download the reports of any radio station from our official website.

For detailed information, register yourself on IRAM site!


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